Saturday, May 9, 2009


Just one of this city's famous treats! Hee hee! So far, we've had a great trip and once we're back, I'll share lots of photos . . . BUT . . . this one couldn't wait!

In the past 362 days, Sophia has never seemed to poop out before her parents. Somehow she always finds a burst of energy jusssst when you think a naptime is in store. Today, however, we decided not even to head back to the hotel room and try for the nap. We knew it wouldn't happen and we'd end up spending a perfectly lovely afternoon at the hotel. So we tredged on. And somewhere between Chinatown and Union Square, sometime around 5pm, Sophia fell asleep on Pablo's shoulders. Not sure if you can tell, but her eyes are actually closed in this photo!

(And no, we are not cruel. I was checking on her the whole time as her eyes got drowsy. I snapped the shot and then she ended up here - all comfy in dad's arms!)

1 comment:

My Mexico Adventure said...

awwww...What a trooper!! Guess the time change caught up with her. Love you guys!!