Monday, July 14, 2008

Finally Summer, Sad Sophie

Yesterday proved to be our toughest day yet with Soph! She received her two-month vaccines which apparently will protect her from meningitis, neumococo, hepatitis, rotovirus and a long list of other things I’ve never even heard of, but in the meantime have given her a 100.9 fever and have caused lots and lots of discomfort and crying! So a day that began all smiles and cooing ended with a cool bath to bring down the fever, her first meds (Tempra) and a quivering lip that ends up in a heart-breaking howl! (Enough to put Pablo and I on the verge of tears!)

In other Sophie news, she has graduated from the simple burp cloth that delicately wiped the drops of milk around her mouth to a full-fledged bib as our little Soph is no longer, um, delicate! She now spits and slurps and slobbers and sputters. So she has stepped up her fashion sense and sports pretty bibs when mealtime comes ‘round!

We finished up our final wedding of the season this past Saturday (yeah!) We were fortunate enough to work at Casa China Blanca – an amazing villa with walls of glass overlooking the ocean – so while we had a great view, we still had the advantage of being in air conditioning! And anyone who has visited PV in the summer knows there is NOTHING better than A/C to bring endless smiles to our sweaty selves!

So this week we are tackling our storage – going through hundreds of fabrics, shelves and shelves of wedding equipment and getting ready for our annual garage sale (this Friday!) LOTS to do before then!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I LOVE reading about Sophia and think that I am addicted now too. It's so fun to read about what she is doing, as Mikko is at about the same place. We just survived his 2 month shots too - how AWFUL...and he doesn't even get a sucker. I'll keep checking in to see what is going on with you guys. I hope that you can come to MN soon...I am so excited to meet beautiful Miss Sophia!!!