Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grammy and Grampy in the House

The Crawford grandparents made a mid-March visit to good ole PV to meet Jake and hang out with Sophia! They were here for 10 days that flew by faster than the blink of an eye. So different than our visits years ago when we tromped around town searching out new fun restaurants and places on the beach to drink buckets of beer! Now its stroller rides around the block, mornings spent watching cartoons in jammies, reading books and snuggling on the couch. Every now and again we got out of the house . . one very WINDY day hanging at the beach, a night or two out for dinner and ummm, one breakfast by the beach!

More importantly since we don't have a home church here in PV that we love, we asked my dad to baptize Jakers. It was amazing and special to have him do it, and as we can all attest, many tears were shed (and NOT just by the girls), right dad? Hee hee!

Alright, so without further adieu, the photos from when Grammy and Grampy were in-da-house! (Why do I think I'm a rapper all of a sudden?)
(Oh, and P.S. - These photos are SERIOUSLY out of order and all mixed up, but who can blame me? I'm on six weeks of barely any sleep!)

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