Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010 - The Flight of a Butterfly

Sophia's third Halloween began with the Carving of the Pumpkin on Wednesday evening! This was her first Jack O' Lantern (and Pablo's too)! They both were a little grossed out by the inside, and Soph quickly switched to cleaning out the little guy with a spoon! Such a princess!

The Carving of the Pumpkin was followed by the Evening of Costumes at her school on Friday! We woke her from her nap to get all dressed up - crossing both fingers and toes that the butterfly costume would be appealing to her that particular evening. We dressed her with success (well, bribing with chocolate, really), but success nevertheless and off to the school party we went!

One parade of costumes, one dance, one ceramic painting, one pretend pond fishing, one texture experimenting (with pasta) and one prize raffle, one snack and two hours later - we were on our way home! (Oh, and yes, the wings did come off about halfway through the party!)

The Halloween party was our third group activity at school and Soph continues to be the same in large groups - fingers in the mouth, clammed up not speaking a word and clinging to our legs! She's usually so rambunctious, so babbly and so smily that it is strange to see her like that! Perhaps she'll be shy in front of large groups or maybe its something she'll grow out of - only time will tell!

On Sunday, Soph dressed in her pumpkin shirt from Grandma Crawford in preparation for the fun day ahead!

Trick or Treating for our third year was the best by far! We headed to the Marina boardwalk (not a bad place to trick or treat!), and Soph started out quiet and reserved but soon enough warmed up to the whole concept of smiling for sweets! As in past years, the other girls in our group dove right in to their candy and Soph didn't even pay any attention. At the end of the night I told her she could choose one piece. She pulled out a little bag of mini-marshmallows and chewed happily away! I saved her three pieces and gave the rest away over the past couple days. She has no idea and doesn't miss it at all! (Hoping this will be a trend for years to come although I do have my doubts!)

Aaaah! Halloween success!

The decorations came down, the pumpkin got tossed (and just in time) and Halloween was officially over as of Monday morning. But the week's celebration was just half-way through - Nov 2nd is Day of the Dead in Mexico, and lucky little Soph gets to learn about both cultures, both celebrations! So onward we went - stay tuned . . .

1 comment:

Rachel said...

So Cute!! There is something awesome and a little wrong to see trick or treaters in sandles.