Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tim Mahoo?

Soo... a couple weeks ago, Michelle's eyes lit up and her cheeks glowed as she commented to me that a local Twin Cities musician was coming to Puerto Vallarta to play at one of the night clubs. I thought to myself, "Tim Mahoo-who?" But she seemed in utter crush of this mysterious music man, so I said to myself again, "Hmmm ... after free babysitting, Soph's free haircut, enchiladas upon demand and so many other special things she does for us, who am I to deny her the joy of going to sing and dance to the magical musicals of Tony Mahoney (or whatever his name is)." So we went. First to dinner at Pipi's where a giant margarita made even me excited about this late-night musical entertainment (yes, any live music that requires I be out of bed at 11 pm is really just silly!)

Or so I thought. We saw Tim Mahoney (apparently not Tim Mahoo-who? nor Tony Mahoney - excuuuuuse me!) sing a few songs ...

... then danced the night away to Cities musician GB Leighton as well!

Home at 2:30 am (after convincing Michelle it was absolutely time to go home!) Seriously, unless I'm working a wedding or answering late-night emails, I haven't seen 2:30 roll around in ages!

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