Sunday, October 25, 2009

Super Sunday

Daylight Savings changed our clocks back an hour late last night causing for a very very early a.m. wakeup call today!

Sophia, who has in the past two weeks decided that anytime between 5:30 and 6:30 is a great time to begin the new day, stuck to her schedule and woke up chanting "Moh-nin" (Morning!) at 5:30 am . . . except it was actually 4:30 am . . . and we had a big wedding on Saturday resulting in a 2 a.m. bedtime. Thus the day began.

Sooo taking advantage of all the extra hours in the day, we got a few things done!

Sophia took to coloring as she has discovered she is an artist-waiting-to-happen.

Pablo, with Soph's very helpful assistance, converted her crib into a day bed following a slight incident last week in which we heard a big THUD from her room and discovered she can now crawl out of her crib. We'll see how the first night in a new bed goes!

And while the construction was going on in Soph's room, Michelle and I set to work creating Sophia's Halloween costume! Can you possibly imagine what she is going to be?

(Now we just need to work on the buzzzzzz.)

Happy Sunday!

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