Sunday, October 25, 2009

Super Sunday

Daylight Savings changed our clocks back an hour late last night causing for a very very early a.m. wakeup call today!

Sophia, who has in the past two weeks decided that anytime between 5:30 and 6:30 is a great time to begin the new day, stuck to her schedule and woke up chanting "Moh-nin" (Morning!) at 5:30 am . . . except it was actually 4:30 am . . . and we had a big wedding on Saturday resulting in a 2 a.m. bedtime. Thus the day began.

Sooo taking advantage of all the extra hours in the day, we got a few things done!

Sophia took to coloring as she has discovered she is an artist-waiting-to-happen.

Pablo, with Soph's very helpful assistance, converted her crib into a day bed following a slight incident last week in which we heard a big THUD from her room and discovered she can now crawl out of her crib. We'll see how the first night in a new bed goes!

And while the construction was going on in Soph's room, Michelle and I set to work creating Sophia's Halloween costume! Can you possibly imagine what she is going to be?

(Now we just need to work on the buzzzzzz.)

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Be Our Fan on Facebook Please!

Ok family, friends and any strangers who may lurk here . . .

The Dazzling Details began a "Behind the Scenes" facebook page. We show you the nitty gritty work that goes into each wedding as well as the fun backstage preparation that leads us up to the day of the event!

So please, people, be our fans! Even if you never check our page, the more the merrier! (But DO check our page - it is fun and worth your time, I promise!)

Christmas is coming, and I'll know who has been naughty and nice when I see our facebook page and know who signed on to be our fan (big smile) and who didn't (big frown).

Come on. Do it now. Click below. Sign in. Become our Fan. I dare you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bad Bad Blogger

That's me. I'm not even going to deny it. And I'm not going to even try to attempt to post pictures or the odd anecdote from the last month because I will never. get. caught. up. Summer fun is over and real life (aka - weddings) have begun again. Let me put it this way: 16 events in 2 months. That is enough to make anyone crazzzzzzy!

So, I will do my best to post over the next few weeks, but I can't promise any witty commentary, nor can I guarantee high-quality photos. The lack of commentary . . . well, I'm just too tired and out of wit at the end of the day! And the lack of good photos . . . you see, as Soph is constantly on the move (and hence we are on the move behind her), well, our camera just doesn't take the action shots needed to do non-blurry work right now! So I will post photos, but just be advised - blurry they may be!

First up, after months of being stuck to my leg, Soph seems to be warming up to her dad again. There were some pretty tough weeks when she really didn't want anything to do with anyone but me (and my leg), and Pablo was feeling really down about it. Today, though, was one of those days that a perma-smile was pasted on his face as his little girl spent some quality time with dad! So here's to their day!

I couldn't have a better parenting partner than Pablo! I am so thankful for his patience, perspective and positively-crazy-fun-attitude!