Tuesday, May 20, 2008

First Pediatrician Appointment

Sophia turned 8 days today and had her first appointment with the doctor! She has been eating well and is now weighing in at 7 1/2 lbs! She got her first two vaccine shots and only cried for about 30 seconds... however, Kristin and Pablo wanted to cry longer! Ugh! It's not fun to watch your baby get pricked! Other than that, she has been a trooper - still sleeping very well at night (and during the day), now keeping her eyes open for about 2 hours a day in one hour spurts - enough time to read and play together (we can basically beat her at any game we play right now because she wimps out and falls asleep halfway through!)

Basically, Sophia is a sweet pea!
(Thank you Rachel Thiele for my adorable sweet pea onesie! - Love, Sophia)

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