Monday, August 25, 2008

Kitchen, Art and Chicken . . . Oh My!

Seems like summer has flown by! Tomorrow Michelle comes back from her three-week vaca in the US and for some reason that seems to make it official! Summer is over!

Our full staff will be back and working, busily preparing for the fall wedding season! We’ve got nine weddings before Christmas comes, so once we start with our events in October, time will fly! We’re hoping that between now and then we will also try again for Pablo’s visa and be able to spend our first Christmas - and our daughter’s first Christmas ever – in the US together with my family! Everyone say an extra prayer for us – we’ve been waiting a long time for this!!!

So what’s new this week with us? Here goes . . .

Our doors are finally on our lower kitchen cabinets (knobs yet to be put on!) but we are beginning to see what somewhat resembles an actual kitchen! Most of you know already that I’m not the cook in our family, but I have put some serious sweat and tears into designing and decorating this kitchen – and it’s Pablo’s turn for some serious sweat while he whips me up some yummy ravioli, apple pie, mashed potatoes (all my favorites, none of which are too healthy!) Hmmm . . . that may explain a lot. On the other hand, maybe he could just serve up the cuisine sans the serious sweat. Here’s a peak at a little part of the kitchen (upper cupboards and backsplash yet to appear!):

We’ve also purchased our first art for the walls! Yes, hard to believe, but we’ve been in this joint since December and not hung anything on the walls (most likely because they weren’t painted!), but last weekend we finally found something we both liked, bought it and hung it all in the same day! Quite an accomplishment for us! So while this may not be too exciting for anyone else besides us, here is our first art . . . and then Soph and I standing in front of our first art! It’s all about the first art (and my new haircut)!

Speaking of hair, Soph’s is out of control the past week or so. It seems like some of her baby hair is rubbing off a bit and the part that is staying has grown and definitely has a mind of its own. So Michelle sent me a few pics of these babies a while back with a little message that said “And you thought Soph’s hair was crazy . . .”

Well, I do believe my daughter can now give those beautiful babes a run for their money. As we walked out of her pediatrician’s office the other day, she rubbed Sophie’s forehead and said, “I LOVE the modern hairdo.” Here’s Soph (and her hair) with Dorian, one of our employees/friends:

And last but not least, a little anecdote from our homelife:

Pablo and I take turns feeding Soph and putting her down for naps, and once Pablo emerges from her bedroom, I often ask, “How is she?” And he’ll answer, “Sleepin’ like a rotisserie chicken.” I never paid much attention to that – I thought maybe it was just a ‘Mexican thing’ and I wasn’t getting it – until the other day that I walked by a Pollo Feliz stand (Happy Chicken!) and saw the chickens spinning around and around in the oven. And I realized, I don’t think it is a ‘Mexican thing;’ I think my husband is just being a smartass!

So I paid close attention the next time I put Soph to sleep and sure enough, her sleeping position is quite similar to that of a rotisserie chicken! So now anytime I see her in that position, all I can think is “sleepin’ like a rotisserie chicken!”

Good night! We wish everyone sweet rotisserie dreams!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not Much News

Geez . . . I’ve been waiting to be inspired by something to write about, and lightning hasn’t struck, that’s for sure! Truly, not much going on here. It’s too hot to go out; it’s too hot to stay in!

We have FINALLY gotten our kitchen countertop in (just today as I am writing this it’s being finished up!) Woohoo!

Soph has made huge progress in the last few days. She has gone from sucking on her fingers (oh so primitive) to reading novels . . . ok, kidding. But she has actually taken an interest in books the last week. A few favorites with bright pages and pictures keep her interested for a full five minutes!

She seems to be quite happy reading Baby Einstein and her very favorite ever - “Moo Baa La La La,” an in-depth investigation into the sounds of farm animals. I’m pretty sure it is the combination of fun illustrations and her mom’s foolish attempt to imitate the little beasts’ noises, but she coos and laughs every time we read it (at least once a day)!

She does not, however, seem to appreciate all literature. Veggie Tales, for example, is just a bit too immature for her taste!

In other Sophia news, she has taken a liking to sticking just about anything she can grab into her mouth. This includes burp rags, toys, her dresses. So often times she ends up showing off her bottoms and a bare midriff. Oh, in this heat, what I wouldn’t give to be able to lift up my dress, show my midriff and have everyone think I was the most adorable thing they’d ever seen! Lucky baby. (And you will, of course, notice that the tongue still makes its common appearance!)

And finally, Soph is constantly trying to sit. No more stretching out or laying down! At the slightest indication that we may be putting her in a reclining position, she thrusts forward her shoulder and neck and makes it quite clear that there will be none of that if she can help it! She would prefer to be propped up against anything – the couch, her stuffed animals, mom or dad’s lap, even Joe (who doesn’t seem to take to this idea very much and is on the move)!

That’s all for today!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sophie is an American Citizen!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I think that clearly expresses the sentiment we are feeling today following our appointment at the American consulate. Those of you who have known us for some time know that we have not had the best experience up until now with the American Consulate and its many rules, regulations, restrictions, etc. My dogs can get into the country, however, my husband has yet to receive his visa. But I digress . . .

I was panicking a bit last night as I put the finishing touches on loads of paperwork to turn in today at Soph’s noon appointment at the Consular Offices. I had to list by month, day and year every single time I left the United States and entered the United States. Well who knows! I mean, seriously, who keeps track of every travel date in their entire life!!! If passports were actually stamped as they should be, perhaps it would have been a ton easier, but for the dozens of times I have gone back and forth in the past eight years, I have five stamps in my passport. (One of which makes me laugh every time I see it as it reminds me of the naivety of Rachel and I upon our return from Europe in 2000. Maybe it was the Italian olive oil that had leaked in and caused damage to our brains or the confusion from riding the German U-Bahn or maybe, just maybe, it was the gigantic drink at the vampire bar . . . anyway instead of re-entering the US as American citizens, we passed through immigration as foreigners. I thought it was odd when they asked what our backgrounds were, but I just said German and Rach said Scandinavian, they stamped us and we were allowed to enter the US!) Anyway, again I digress. . .

I passed our paperwork in two bunches through the glass window (it didn’t all fit at the same time! If they are going to require paperwork inches thick maybe they should consider wider window spaces!) We sat at the office as the tall skinny man behind the glass window reviewed our paperwork, did a lot of groaning, frowning and shuffling and then told us the Consular Agent was on her way and she would speak with us when she arrived. Sophie couldn’t help but think, “Will I get my visa?”

Oh man. . . my palms began to sweat! I felt like I was trying to prove that I am an American – you’d think that income tax filings, receipts, an American passport, high school and college transcripts, a birth certificate among other things would convince them . . . and yet my palms were sweating! Not to mention that Soph decided to be very whiny and fussy! I figure, I’m pretty sure they turned Pablo’s visa down once because he had the wrong haircut! What if they turn my baby down because she won't stop crying! Aaaah! I had even dressed my daughter in her red, white and blue hoping it would score us extra points! Why couldn’t she just cooperate and hum a version of “I’m Proud to Be an American"!!!

The Consular Agent arrived, reviewed, grunted, groaned and shuffled, then called through the glass window “Ms. Crawford.” I nearly pooped my pants. I was so nervous. What are the chances that the paperwork was all there? She looked up and smiled, “Excellent Job,” she said. Again, I nearly pooped my pants. (I think Soph actually did!) Pablo and I raised our right hands and swore that Sophie is 50% American. She stamped and sealed our papers. And we were done.

Sophie is an American Citizen. And a great one at that! She even smiled for her passport photo. Patriotic little stinker. I think I even heard her hum “This Land is My Land” from her car seat on the way home.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I believe, that despite a slow start, I have over the past seven years become quite accustomed to Mexican culture – the apathy (at times), the celebration (at other times), the chronic lack of punctuality (all the time), and while it is quite often very different than living in the United States, it has become home (for a while) and all of the above seem completely normal and a part of every day life. However, every once in a while – maybe due to a full moon or the roll of the tides – something will surprise me, snap me out of the routine of every day life and remind me that I live in Mexico!

Yesterday, following hours of sweating in the heat, I decided to step out on to our balcony hoping, praying (!) to catch a waft of the breeze to cool me off! I glanced down our dirt street, and there, relaxing in the middle of the puddle, uh hum, pond, left from the prior evening’s rain was . . . yes, a bull. Horns and all.

Pablo and I watched the movie “Nacho Libre” the other night – ok, that’s a bit of a stretch – we watched it over a period of three nights after Soph took her last bottle, we finished painting walls and fell exhausted into bed. We only lasted about half an hour each night, so it was kind of like a Nacho Libre marathon over the course of three nights. But none of that is important . . . what is important is this: the movie was so different and so much better than I ever expected. I pretty much rolled my eyes at Pablo when he brought it home from Blockbuster, but after the first five minutes, I was hooked! It was sooo cute and the characters so hilarious each in their own quirky and ironic way. But what really made me fall in love with the movie was Chancho, the young orphan boy whose dark brown puppy dog eyes, pudgy cheeks, little pout and huge heart immediately drew squeals from Pablo and I as we both saw Chancho’s likeness to our own little puppy-dog-eyed, pudgy-cheeked, little-pouted, huge-hearted daughter! Perhaps a few pounds less, an opposite gender and an age difference by about 7 years, 9 months and a few days – but Chancho and Sophia (a.k.a. Chancha) are nearly twins!

In house news . . . we got the kitchen painted last night. Not sure that the pictures make it look as pretty as it actually is! But we’ve got lots of color packed into this little place, and I love it! Slowly but surely . . .

And the excitement of the week with Sophie – she has found her tongue! Hilarious – it seems to spend more time out of her mouth than in it the last few days! Luckily, she hasn’t yet learned how to be sassy with it! She just peeks it out here, there and everywhere! You have to look for it!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a weekend! The time flew by so fast, but we got a lot accomplished here both at home and workwise!

Our home-improvement (otherwise known as Please-Let’s-Finish-This-Damn-House-Before-Sophie-Is-Done-With-College) projects have been moving along really well the last two weeks! It’s amazing what we are able to get done when we aren’t running around town with weddings constantly!

Our hallway is painted – a really pretty butterscotch tone for what is known as “the photo wall”– (of course there are no photos yet although I have laid out the frames on the floor exactly how I want them!) Hey, don’t laugh. I’m going one step at a time!

– and the other walls are painted a tone called Bayport – oh so descriptive! It was supposed to be a tan color, but as the paint went on and dried, I realized it has some greenish undertones and while at first I though we would need to repaint, the color has really grown on me in the last week and is officially a keeper!

Our window wall above the to-be kitchen is now red - it-went-on-way-too-pink-and-scared-the-life-out-of-me-but-after-three-coats-dried-beautifully-red! I LOVE it!

And last but not least, our front and bedroom balcony railings were installed (but aren’t painted yet). So we’re definitely making the progress we had hoped for, but still have a long way to go!

In Sophie news, the weekend brought in the NEW: lots of practicing sitting up (propped, of course!)

. . . and along with the new, a little of the OLD: fan-watching.

And we have learned that Soph will definitely not be going the vegetarian route with her life. Meat and Guacamole all the way!

On the work front, we are in the process of redesigning The Dazzling Details’ website. Michelle, Pablo and I have worked lots of extra hours this week not only painting the house, but also designing our new website portfolio! Here’s a sneak peak at what the new homepage is going to look like (click on it to see it big and pretty!):

The new site should be up and running by the 1st of August! We’re really excited to have a “new look!” And as is the fashion now in the weddings world (and the rest of the world it seems), rather than an interactive gallery, we are going to be updating our new weddings on . . . yes, you guessed it, a blog! We are just starting out, but I've added the address to my "Pages of Interest", so if it is of interest to you, check back once in a while to see what kind of work we’re doing!

That’s all from hot and sweaty Mexico this weekend! We’ve got big plans for the week – more portfolio creating, more wall painting, and more formula-drinking, sitting-practicing and fan-watching!